Catégorie:DICTIONNAIRE POLITIQUE : Différence entre versions
(→Index inversé de ce dictionnaire) |
(→Index inversé de ce dictionnaire) |
Ligne 459 : | Ligne 459 : | ||
|[[Equipes écoutantes]] | |[[Equipes écoutantes]] | ||
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Version du 9 août 2020 à 11:20
consacré aux pratiques narratives
par David Denborough
Préface de ce dictionnaire
A propos de ce dictionnaire
Index inversé de ce dictionnaire
Version anglaise | Version française |
A | |
'A stick on its own is easily broken but a bundle will not break' | |
Ableism | |
Abolition democracy | |
Absent but implicit | Absent mais implicite |
Accomplices (and recruits of domination) | Complices (et recrutés par le pouvoir) |
Accountability processes | |
Add your own entry | Ajoutez votre propre rubrique |
Agent deletion | |
Alternative texts | |
'An activist in my own mind' | |
Anti-Anorexia/Bulimia league | |
Apprehension | |
Archive | Archives |
Aromantic | |
Asexuality | |
Assigned sex | |
Audiences | |
Autonomy as an attitude of permanent critique | |
Avoiding complicity with dominant culture | |
B | |
Becoming squarehead | Devenir un squarehead |
Beyond the tradition/modernity divide | |
Binary thinking | Pensée binaire |
Biphobia | |
Bisexuality/pansexuality | |
Black feminism | Féminisme noir |
Border imperialism | |
Burnout | Burnout |
C | |
Certificate | Certificat |
Charter (draft) of Storytelling Rights | Charte (ébauche) des droits du narrateur |
Checking for collusion | |
Checklist of social and psychological resistance | |
Cisgender/cis | |
Class relations (mental health) | |
Collective accountability | |
Collective documents | Documents collectifs |
Collective ethics | |
Collective externalising conversations | |
Collective narrative practice | |
Communitas | Communitas |
Community gatherings | |
Communities of concern | Communautés d'intérêts |
Concientization | |
Conferences | |
Consciousness of local politics | |
Consciousness-raising | Prise de conscience |
Consulting your consultants | Consultez vos consultants |
Co-production | |
Co-research | |
Counterstories | Contre-histoires |
Culture | Culture |
D | |
Damage-centered research (a moratorium) | |
De-centered and yet influential | Décentré et pourtant influent |
Decolonisation | Décolonisation |
Decolonisation is not a metaphor | La décolonisation n'est pas une métaphore |
Decolonising identity stories | |
Deconstruction | Déconstruction |
Definitional ceremony | Cérémonie définitionnelle |
Democratising the field of narrative practice | |
Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) | Manuel diagnostique et statistique des troubles mentaux (DSM) |
Dignity | Dignité |
Disability | Handicap |
Discourse | Discours |
Disembodied speech (and questions that insist on embodiment) | |
Documents of identity | |
Dominant story (sometimes referred to as the problem story) | |
Double comfort | |
Double consciousness | |
Double listening (or Doubly listening) | Double écoute |
Double-storied testimonies | |
E | |
Emotion | Emotion |
Enabling contribution | |
Environmental action | |
Escaping normality | Fuir la normalité |
Essentialism | |
Establishing political appreciation of a person's experience of abuse | |
Ethic of collaboration | |
Ethic of control | |
Examining silences | |
Exoticising the domestic | Exotiser le domestique |
Exposé | Exposé |
Exposing oppressive social forces | Exposer les forces sociales oppressives |
Expressions of experience | Expressions du vécu |
Externalising | Externalisation |
F | |
Failure | Echec |
Family therapy | Thérapie familiale |
Feminism | Féminisme |
Feminisms, intersectionality and narrative practice | Féminismes, intersectionnalité et pratiques narratives |
Feminist challenge to therapists | Remise en question des thérapeutes par les féministes |
Feminist dictionary | Dictionnaire féministe |
Feminist family therapists | Les thérapeutes familiales féministes |
Feminist influence on narrative therapy | L'influence féministe sur les thérapies narratives |
Feminist practice of the self | Pratique féministe du soi |
Full memories | |
G | |
Gender and culture together | |
Gender dichotomy | |
Gender fluid | |
Gender identity | |
Gendered personification of problems | |
Gender partnerships | |
Genderqueer | |
"Giving-it back" practices | Pratiques du "contre-don" |
H | |
Half memories | |
Hegemonic masculinity | |
Heritage of achievement | |
Heritage of resistance | |
Herstory | Son histoire à elle |
Heteronormativity | |
Heterosexism | |
Heterosexist assumptions | |
Heterosexuality | |
Homonormativity | |
Homophobia | Homophobie |
Honouring the little steps | Honorer les petits pas |
I | |
INCITE! Critical Resistance Statement]] | |
Insider knowledge | Savoirs locaux |
Insurrection of subjugated knowledges | Insurrection des savoirs assujettis |
Intergenerational honouring | Hommage intergénérationnel |
Intersectionality (and intersectional feminisms) | |
Intersex people | |
Investigate reporter (stance) | (posture du) Journaliste d'investigation |
Inviting people in | |
Islamophobia | |
J | |
Justice | Justice |
Justice-doing | |
Just Therapy | Thérapie juste |
K | |
Katharsis | Katharsis |
Kaurna people | |
L | |
Labels | |
Landscape of action | Paysage de l'action |
Landscape of consciousness (or landcsape of identity) | Paysage de la conscience (ou paysage de l'identité) |
'Language' of individualism / 'language' of tradition and collective commitment | |
Lateral violence (a conversation with) | |
League | Ligue |
Lesbian / gay sexuality | |
Letter-writing campaigns | |
Liberative gender arrangements | |
Linking communities | |
Listening teams | Equipes écoutantes |
M | |
Man | |
Maps | Cartes |
Medication | |
Metaphoric narrative pratice | |
Migration of identity | Migration d'identité |
Misgendering | Mégenrer |
Misogyny | Misogynie |
Modern power | Pouvoir moderne |
Monosexism | |
Monosexual | |
Morals | Morale |
Mother-blame | |
N | |
Narrative community gathering | Rassemblement communautaire narratif |
Naming injustice | |
Narrative justice | |
Narrative justice | Justice narrative |
Narrative therapy as political activity | |
Narrative timeline | |
Needs | |
Neoliberalism | |
Neo-liberal fatalism | |
Non-binary | |
Non-essentialist understandings | |
Normalisation | Normalisation |
O | |
Open non-monogamies | |
Orientalism | |
Outsider witness | Témoin extérieur |
P | |
Pacifying women | |
Pansexual | |
Parrhesia | |
Partnerships across gender and culture | |
Pathologising | |
Patriarchal power | Pouvoir patriarcal |
Personal is political | |
Personality disorders | |
Personal properties | |
Place | |
Place (and environmental action) | |
Political task | Tâche politique |
Politics in therapy | |
Polyamory | |
Positively implicating parents | |
Postcolonialism | Post-colonialisme |
Post-colonial therapy | |
Postcolonial therapy's relationship with postructuralist therapy | |
Postructuralism (as it relates to narrative practice) | Post-structuralisme (en relation avec les pratiques narratives) |
Postructuralist feminism | |
Power to Our journeys | |
Pride | |
Prison abolitionism | |
Privilege | |
Productive power | Pouvoir productif |
Pro-feminist men | |
Pronouns | Pronoms |
Psychological needs | |
Publishing | |
Q | |
Queer | |
Queer activism | |
Queer theory | |
R | |
Rape culture | |
Re-authoring conversations | Conversations pour redevenir auteur |
Reclaiming our stories, reclaiming our lives | |
Redstockings manifesto | |
Refusal of individuality linked to the economy | |
Relationship anarchy | |
Relationship dynamics | |
Relation of power (hearing voices) | |
Relinquishing professional position | |
Re-membering | Re-membering |
Representing a social issue | |
Resurrecting diversity in everyday life | |
Returning the gaze | |
Riverbank position | |
S | |
Safe territory of identity | |
Saying hullo again | Dire bonjour à nouveau |
Second story | |
Self-narrative | Narration de soi |
Senior men's moods | |
Shared textual heritage | |
Silencing | |
Sistergirl / Brotherboy | |
Smash that discourse! | |
Social action / social 'movement' | Action sociale / Mouvement social |
Solidarity | |
Speak through us not just to us | |
Spirituality | |
Spiritualities - ascendant and immanent | |
Spiritualities of the surface | |
Sponsoring diversity not conformity | |
Storyline of identity | Trame identitaire |
Storytelling rights | Droits du narrateur |
Strong stories | |
Subordinate storyline (also known as alternative story) | |
Successful therapy | |
Survivance | |
T | |
Taking-it-back practices | |
Team of Life narrative approach | Approche narrative de l'Equipe de Vie |
The medium and the message | |
The person is not the problem, the problem is the problem | La personne n'est pas le problème, le problème est le problème |
The person is not the problem, the problem is the problem, and the solution is not only personal | La personne n’est pas le problème, le problème est le problème, et la solution n’incombe pas qu’à la personne |
They (singular) | |
Transfeminine, transfemme | |
Transgender, Trans | |
Transmasculine, Transmac | |
Transparency | Transparence |
Transphobia | |
Tree of Life narrative approach | Approche narrative de l'Arbre de Vie |
Two Spirit | |
Two-way account of therapy | |
U | |
Unexpected solidarities | Solidarités inattendues |
Unique outcomes | Evénements uniques |
Unrecognised networks | |
Usable past | |
W | |
Welcome to country | Bienvenue au pays |
Woman | Femme |
Womanism | Womanisme |
Y | |
Yarning as spiritual practice | Raconter des histoires en tant que pratique spirituelle |
Références de ce dictionnaire
Cette catégorie ne contient actuellement aucune page ni fichier multimédia.